Dr. Saman Seng got the GPLP from Harvard Medical School.2017- 2018

 All most 12 months, year of programs Global Pediatric Leadership to meet all who are pediatrician around the world( 70 countries),
GPL Designed for physicians and pediatric health care professionals who wish to become leaders in pediatrics, or who want to strengthen their existing leadership skills in the field. This program brings together an elite group of pediatricians providing access to a worldwide community of like-minded clinicians.

Upon completion of the Pediatrics Leadership Program (PLP), participants will be able to:
  1. Develop the leadership skills to facilitate transformational change and organizational turnaround
  2. Apply the tools and knowledge in quality and patient safety to drive and sustain organizational improvement
  3. Advance pediatric care through the development of clinical research strategies that turn ideas into viable, scalable solutions
  4. Apply lessons from innovators in the fields of genome sequencing, vaccine development and world epidemiology.
  5. Enhance their humanistic side while achieving balance as a pediatric leader through teaching and patient connections.
  6.  Apply life-changing skills in resiliency to ongoing challenges in pediatric medicine 

Program Overview

The Pediatrics Leadership Program (PLP) is an innovative yearlong certificate developed by faculty members at Harvard Medical School (HMS) and University College London (UCL) Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health (ICH). Designed for physicians and pediatric health care professionals who wish to become leaders in pediatrics, or who want to strengthen their existing leadership skills in the field. This program brings together an elite group of pediatricians providing access to a worldwide community of like-minded clinicians.
PLP not only will strengthen your leadership skills but also will enhance your scientific knowledge in genetics, pediatric neurology and special topics covering quality, patient care, clinical research and teaching strategies. This must-attend course addresses the challenges of modern-day medicine through the lens of humanism, resilience and the integration of the arts to help participants find balance while achieving their personal and professional goals.
Graduates of the program will receive a Certificate of Completion from Harvard Medical School.


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