
Showing posts from September 19, 2019

Dr. Saman Seng got the GPLP from Harvard Medical School.2017- 2018

 All most 12 months, year of programs Global Pediatric Leadership to meet all who are pediatrician around the world( 70 countries), GPL Designed for physicians and  pediatric  health care professionals who wish to become leaders in  pediatrics , or who want to strengthen their existing  leadership  skills in the field. This  program  brings together an elite group of  pediatricians  providing access to a  worldwide  community of like-minded clinicians. Upon completion of the Pediatrics Leadership Program (PLP), participants will be able to: Develop the leadership skills to facilitate transformational change and organizational turnaround Apply the tools and knowledge in quality and patient safety to drive and sustain organizational improvement Advance pediatric care through the...

កម្មវិធីផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់ពត៌មានពិត វិទ្យុស្រ្តីFM 103.5

«កុមារនិងទូរសព្ទ» ខ្ញុំបានផ្ដល់មតិច្រើនចំពោះទូរសព្ទដែលបានប៉ះពាល់ដល់សុខភាពកុមារ ទាំងផ្លូវកាយនិងផ្លូវចិត្ត។ ផងដែរទារកអាចប្រឈមទៅនឹងវិទ្យុសកម្ម«MWR»ការខូចខាត់រាងកាយតាំងពីទារកនៅជាអំប្រ៊ីយ៉ុង(2.5%) by Risks to baby's brain development from cell phone radiation.…/ Credit, Dr.SS @19/9/19